

回覆: 推荐 巴黎Lucie民宿 - 2011-01-27, 07:28
Lucie 姐家是民宿中最棒的,下次再去巴黎一定要提早 book!
交通方便,冶安好,最重要是Lucie姐很热心, 我一家三口受到她很多的照顾@
(But we did not stay at her apt , she still helped us to work out some problems.) We spend one day to visit her , the castle and the park next to her house.She walked us to the park and castle and showed us a lot of shops and supermarkets nearby. I can say that was the best day for our family during our 10 days trip in Paris. My 15 month old son got the opportunity to run in the big park and the air quality was so great compared with the air in the zone 1 and zone 2 Paris.



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